All donations from this FIFA tournament will be entirely redistributed to our part-time staff. The minimum contribution of $3 can go a long way in supporting our great referees, coaches and baristas!
Support our part-time staff
All donations from this FIFA tournament will be entirely redistributed to our part-time staff. The minimum contribution of $3 can go a long way in supporting our great referees, coaches and baristas!
Win amazing prizes
We will raffle off cool prizes amongst all registered players. These include free rental time, MSL match tickets or PSG signed jerseys! And of course, Sofive-wide bragging rights.
Win amazing prizes
We will raffle off cool prizes amongst all registered players. These include free rental time, MSL match tickets or PSG signed jerseys! And of course, Sofive-wide bragging rights.
Have fun together
This tournament is for our Sofive Family. Even if we can't have you play in our centers at the moment, we still want to play with you.
Have fun together
This tournament is for our Sofive Family. Even if we can't have you play in our centers at the moment, we still want to play with you.
How it works
Our supporters
Awesome initiative
“This was well thought of from Sofive to keep us entertained and have fun during these tough times planned out exceptionally well!!”
Love the idea
“Love the idea! Honestly we should just do this every week until Coronavirus goes away. It doesn’t have to be a big prize at the end. I’m sure most of us would do it anyway.”
Thanks bro
“Thanks Sofive for helping entertain us even when we can't come play!”